Minggu, 04 Oktober 2015



3 Senior High School Bandung presented performing arts was GAMARVANI. Which was held 19th September 2015 with guest stars Adera and HiVi. There is also food festival with  15 food stand, 12 food truck regional food, and community stand. In this event the documentation by MP3 and JEPRET!, decoration by SSR3, and security by KANST. And also there traditional games. In addition there are also some appereance of students 3 Senior High School. This morning began with a procession of events of students 3 Senior High School together with elementary school using clothing Sundanese together headmaster and teachers using BANDROS. After that the event began , first by organizing traditional competitions that have been prepared by the committee and if that wins will get a prize .

After that, the students 3 Senior High School BANDUNG presented their featured talens such as LSS 3, BAND 3, KV 3, NAC 3, MK 3, KPA 3 and T’ST. After that certain performance , there were also shown other performance such as wayang golek giriharja, pencak silat, gadjah putih, arumb acoustic, ruang music director, manggala awi, s.a.s.a.d.a.n.a, sobat budaya, parahyena, RMHR.While waiting for the peak of the show, we bought snacks at GAMARVANI area.

Finally, our most awaited moment had just came. It was a performance presented by Adera. They sang 7 songs totally, including one popular song titled “lebih dari indah”. The next on the queue was HiVi! The spectators sound was hysteric when seeing HiVi’s performances. They presented the popular song “siapkah kau tuk jatuh cinta lagi” and the spectators were drifting farther  and farther together with the song performed by them. The event closed and ended by launching pyrotechnics on the main stage. It seemed that the spectators were very satisfied with the event. GAMARVANI event was cool and successfull. We hope next year 3 Senior High School BANDUNG can hold events like this again, with some more improvements and success will be repeated next year certainly.


Name : Amelinda Shofaa Hendriawati

            Ghina Aghnia Uswatun Hasanah

Class : X IPA 2 


All about my friends

I have a new friend she was beautiful, good, and friendly she class X science 1. She class next my class.she’s name Sulfiana Nurpujiah,her call is Alma.  She was Alya’s friend, I have known her since grade English. She long hair, black hair, thin, and tall. I ask about her biographical data.

This bio her :
Name : Sufialma Nurpujiah
Hobbies : watch movie
Favourite subjects : English
Your address : Jl. Terusan Martanegara No. 35
Favourite food : pempek
She wishes : to be a success interperner or doctor
Siblings : 1 young sister
Inspiring person : her father

I'm glad to be acquainted with her. We sharing about school and subjects. We like to chat about something about relating to school. And asked her about subject’s teacher. I was also able to make new friends. I met her every grade English. I hope can be a good friend with her. And I also can be a new friends again. And I was lucky to know her because she was her very friendly. And I’m happy can be school in Senior High School 3 Bandung.

Name : Amelinda Shofaa Hendriawati
Class : X IPA 2